Join us Every Night at 6 pm CST 12-1-24 through 12-24-24 on Facebook Live under Jennifer Cumberbatch or in the Zoom Room, using this link Join Zoom Meeting
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Full Measure Fall The Gathering
Join Us for Full Measure’s Fall The Gathering: Musical Guest is JayKeveon “Righteous Jakk” See him on instagram. https://www.instagram.com/1righteousjakk/reel/DBWwYslh6oJ/
RSVP by hitting the Learn More Button and sending an email. Thx pjen
Full Measure The Gathering Summer 2024
Full Measure The Gathering Summer 2024 Will Tour The Harlem Renaissance Exhibit at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Food, Fellowship, Music and Making July 19-22
Full Measure is happy to announce that 11 of our friends and family, from Ohio, Los Angeles, and our headquarters in Austin, Texas are traveling with us for Full Measure The Gathering Summer 2024 to New York City July 19-22, 2024
Friday: Food and Fellowship,
Saturday: The Metropolitan Museum of Art to tour the “Harlem Renaissance Exhibit and Explore New York Music, Food, and Fun.
Sunday: Worship at the historic Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem New York, Where newly elected Senior Pastor, a mentee of our dear friend, Pastor Joseph C. Parker, Jr., senior pastor of Austin’s David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, The Rev. Kevin Johnson will preach, Tour of Harlem, Sunday Brunch with New York Family.
Sunday and Monday: Return Home
Excitement is Mounting! Pjen

Full Measure's The Gathering
Featuring: Maker:/Artist: Lizzie C of Sweetniz Cakeshop. The Full Measure House Band, with Special Guest Rapper: Grace Gang’s, Jay Jones
Menu: BBQ Talapia/Catfish, Cheese Grits & Vegan Cheese Grits (Corn and Rice), Buffalo Cauliflower, Collard Greens, Salad, Sourdough Bread, & Dessert: Austin Famous, Cumberbatch Sweet Tater Torte.
Contribution $30 to cover the cake cost.
Art Activity: Each registrant leaves with a 2-layer, 6-inch, personally decorated Thanksgiving-Theme Sweetniz Cake. RSVP now space is limited. Lizzie’s class is regularly $75/person.

Full Measure Sunday Service Living Room
Hit the RSVP and send an email to find the location of Full Measure Living Room. I hope to see you there. Pastor jen

The Gathering
Glory: The Extravagant Gift of the Artist
Colossians 2:26-27 “…the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to The Lord’s people. To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles (The World) the glorious riches of this mystery, “which is Christ in you the hope of glory.”
Welcome to the Gathering: An Offering of Full Measure to the Austin Community
Full Measure is well-being + shalom through pastoral care and the arts.
The Gathering is a time of social connection that immerses the Gathered in a creative artistic experience.
At Full Measure, we believe:
The Arts elevate the mind, conjure beauty, and feed the human spirit.
Stephanie Lee, co-founder of You Are Conferences and Living Room Sessions in Bryan/College Station, New Braunfels, Roundtop, Texas, and Croatia, dancer and student of Broadway great, Savion Glover is our featured artist today.
Here’s some video to get you in the mood to move. Sammy Davis, Jr. tutored Gregory Hines and Gregory Hines tutored Savion Glover and he taught our featured Artist, Stephanie Lee. And, the beat goes on…….
Please, give an offering of any size to our Featured artist today. Pastor jen/Full Measure will send the funds to Stephanie.
Use any of the following vehicles: Venmo @Jennifer Cumberbatch-2, Casapp: $PastorJenCumberbatch, or Zell: 512-964-4506. or a check made out to Stephanie Lee or Full Measure.
Thank you for your support
The Gathering Team
Pam Bryant, J.T. Cox, Donna Dugone, Flora Fearon, Catherine Heidrick, Nicole H. Jacobs, Kennisha and Herb Moffet, Betty L. Smith, Verna Stayton, Diane Williams,
The Gathering February 2023
Join us for Full Measure’s first THE GATHERING of 2023. As always we welcome all to enjoy fellowship through the sights, sounds and soul-filling food from local artists, makers and community voices.
Featured Guests:
Reji Thomas - Austin glass maker + visual artists
TGH Band - featuring JT Cox, Jennifer Cumberbatch + Donna Dugone
Featured Menu:
Featuring Spoken Word Artists
Featured Maker
Making one-of-a-kind Advent wreaths
December 4, 2022
5 pm-7 pm CST
@The Neil-Cochran House Museum
2310 San Gabriel Street, Austin, Texas 78705
RSVP Mandatory
@thefullmeasure.org or message Jennifer Cumberbatch on FB
I hope to see you there (pjen)
Selah Vie—- introducing Cassie Cox
Our Maker will guide us into making Advent Wreaths

NOTE THIS WAS A 2022 EVENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Theme: Seeking Sabbath—-The Art of Rest and Re-creation.
Join us for our 2nd The Gathering this Sunday, October 30 at 5 p.m. and enjoy wisdom shared by guests speakers, engage in an exciting new artistic expression and come abide in community. Food and beverages will be provided. PLEASE RSVP to ensure we can properly prepare for your presence.
Venue / location details will be shared to those who RSVP.

The Gathering
The Gathering | info to RSVP
Join Full Measure for the launch of “The Gathering,” a monthly in-person experience to enjoy community and culture through spiritual connection. Hosted by Jennifer Cumberbatch, all are welcome to take part in food and fellowship; music and making.
RSVP For the venue details
Every last Sunday of the month
The Gathering | info for attendees
9/25 MENU
Build a Bowl:
Spice-Infused Red Lentils
Collard Greens (Eat your veggies)
Roasted Chicken
Choose a Sauce: Chimichurri or Butter Chicken (Contains dairy)
Optional: Top with yogurt, green onions & cilantro
Get Connect + Share a Prayer Request
Full Measure Resurrection Sunrise Service
Join us on Facebook Live at 6 am this Sunday, April 17, 2022 for a special lesson from Ephesians 1, “A Life That is a Praise to God’s Glory,” and Communion. The lesson will remain on my timeline for those who want to view it later.

Study Series: Proverbs Continued in January 2022
Ravished by Love
Drink Water from Your Own Cistern

Event Five
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Event Three
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Full Measure 2021 Advent Celebration Day 14
Friends, Join us again for 10-15 minutes @ 6pm CST for An Advent Reading, Prayer and the Lighting of the Hope, and Peace Candle. It will bless you in this Season. I (Pastor jen) will be your reader tonight. It is a special day for me. I will share how it is special tonight.
Remember if you miss us at 6 pm CST any evening, you can watch the recording on Facebook Live and or Read the readings and prayers for your personal meditation under the blog tab of thefullmeasure.org or watch the recordings on Facebook on my timeline. I would love to see your face at our celebration at 6pm CST, tonight and every night until Christmas
Much Agape,
Pastor jen
Please, message, text or email me with a picture of your Advent Wreath so I can post it on thefullmeasure,.org, Facebook, and Twitter.

Study Series on the Book of Proverbs Suspended for Special Advent Sermon
Every two weeks on Sunday: Study the book of Proverbs
Next Study Sermon 7: “Ravished with Love;” Drink Water From Your Own Cistern
Advent Week 2 & Full Measure Sunday Service
The Full Measure 2021 Advent Celebration Week 2 Day 8
A 10-15 minute Advent Reading
Followed by: Our Regularly Scheduled Full Measure Sunday Service
Guest Preacher: Sister Betty Smith of Columbus, Ohio
Special Advent Message: “It’sTime For The Church To Shine”
Join Us For Communion Following the Sermon (Prepare Your Elements Now)

ADVENT: The arrival of a notable person, thing, or event. Hallelujah! Like never before we celebrate the coming of Jesus. Join us from Sunday, November 28, 2021 (the Sunday after Thanksgiving) thru December 24, 2021 (Christmas Eve). Look for our daily readings on Full Measure Blog
Each night leading up to Christmas Eve will feature special guest(s), prayer, lighting of the candles and suggested activities for that week.
Join us as we celebrate Jesus’ Coming!
Then, Now and Again!
Hello, Full Measure Followers.
Please join us for the 6th sermon in our study of the Book of Proverbs.
Stay tuned for your Zoom invite.
Exciting news we may be broadcasting live to FACEBOOK this week!
Please, have your elements ready to join us for communion.
I hope to see you then.
God Bless you,.
Pastor jen
Note: The EVENT BELOW WAS 2022
NOVEMBER 19, 2023
G-Talk: “Seeking Sabbath-The Art of Rest and Re-creation
Welcome our speakers for The October Gathering:
Rabbi Neil Blumofe and Pastor Christian Flores.
Both are renown musicians and teachers of the Holy Scriptures. Receive the “Word” on Sabbath from God’s gifts to us!
Welcome our Guest Artist Maria
G-Talk Read Along
Manna God’s Double Portion In Rest
21 They gathered it every morning, each person according to need. Then the sun heated up and it melted.
22 On the sixth day they gathered twice as much bread, about four quarts per person. Then the leaders of the company came to Moses and reported. 23 Moses said, "This is what God was talking about: Tomorrow is a day of rest, a holy Sabbath to God. Whatever you plan to bake, bake today; and whatever you plan to boil, boil today. Then set aside the leftovers until morning." 24 They set aside what was left until morning, as Moses had commanded. It didn't smell bad and there were no worms in it. 25 Moses said, "Now eat it; this is the day, a Sabbath for God. You won't find any of it on the ground today. 26 Gather it every day for six days, but the seventh day is Sabbath; there won't be any of it on the ground."
Exodus 16:21-26
9 There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; 10 for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his. 11 Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish… of disobedience.
Hebrews 4:9-11 NIV
From every Nation
Every tribe
Jesus Gave his life to make us one.
From North & South, East and West. We’ll sit at your table drink your wine, eat your bread.
May all the people of every tongue, sing your praises throughout earth far flung
Verse 1:
Near and far, yet close to your heart.
For a fallen world you gave. Good for bad, life for death. Your life for ours you exchanged.
Don’t understand it all but my heart longs. To be close to you, Lord, I pray (3Xs) (Always).
Verse 2:
In my heart there’s a part that’s slipped farther and farther away.
From the good the kind, from your love divine.
Lord, from your mercy and grace.
But, in my ear, your voice so clear, [Draws me closer and closer I pray. (3Xs) (Always)]
This world right now seems upside down.
But, you promised, Lord, a new heaven an earth..
Return to Verse 1
End with Refrain
Original Song by jen Cumberbatch, please, don’t use without expressed permission